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Alfombras - Foglie

Marca: Sitap

119 EUR gastos envío. Total 804,00 €

Tienda: ArredaClick

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Foto Alfombras - Foglie foto 89036

Foglie rug , designed by Natalia Pepe, is made with hand tufted wool and polyester yarns. The pattern represents leaves in different thicknesses; a little cut features tactile and visual three-dimensionality. Available in two measures and in lilac and sand. Measures - cm 160 x 240 - cm 200 x 300 Colour - lilac, sand Finish - 70% pure new wool: high quality and precious yarns, is characterized by comfort, stain resistance and structural features. - 30% polyester: gives more lightness and strength. Processing The technique used here is hand tufting that allows a manual work of precision on each detail. The meticulous craft work has allowed to play with different thickness in order to give the collection an original three-dimensional aspect. To underline the contrasts between the volumes,it has been used also the carving technique, consisting of a light cut on the decorations outlines Natalia Pepe Natalia Pepe, the creative mind, is a designer with a contemporary taste and an eye to the past. She has chosen to live in Pianello Val Tidone, among the vineyards of Piacenza hills, but she has never forgotten her country, Argentine. In Milan she started loving design and in Barcelona she faced with a young and innovative dynamism. From this mixture of cultures arises her creativity. Research, curiosity, energy, femininity combine together transforming thoughts in harmony of shapes, colours and materials without renouncing to functionality. She has opened a showroom in Pianello Val Tidone, where her workshop is set, and another one in Barcelona in collaboration with hop! design. She deals with design and realization of internal and external spaces

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