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Ghille Adventurer Solid Fuel Kettle

Marca: No brand

18.37 EUR gastos envío. Total 75,75 €

Tienda: Fruugo España

Disponibilidad: En almacén, envío inmediato.

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Foto Ghille Adventurer Solid Fuel Kettle foto 615727

Ghillie Kettle stovesare ideal for any outdoor activity where weight and availability of liquid fuel is an issue. They even work in storm conditions, bringing water to the boil within a matter of minutes using whatever solid fuel is naturally occuring in the area - sticks, grass, pine cones, birch bark etc. To use, simply pour water in to the spout and add the safety whistle. Place your foraged fuel in the bottom of the pan on which the kettle sits.Once lit flames rise through the middle of the chimney. The hole at the side of the base plate allows more twigs, paper etc to be added and also allows oxygen to be sucked in as the flames rise (you can also add combustible items down through the centre of the chimney). The addition of a pot support (sold seperately) on the neck of the kettle allows you to heat an additional pan of liquid or food stuff. Carbon-neutral, eco friendly camping at its very best!

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