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Samsung S3 Lock - Fits all Samsung Smart phones Models

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Foto Samsung S3 Lock - Fits all Samsung Smart phones Models foto 209211

Samsung S3 Lock - Fits all Samsung Smart phones Models Perfect for stores, display units , trade shows and more. The first is a 3M Glue-On Locking Plate with a built in security slot. The second is a strong steel cable which will discourage any thief. Loop the cable around a fixed object and secure the locking head into the locking plate on the Tablet. E-mail Why do you need to protect your Galaxy Tablet? Here are some reasons that should have you shaking in your iPants: • You've spent a small fortune on something that has become invaluable to you. So why not spend a fraction of that cost to protect it? You lock up your car, don't you? • You store valuable information on your Tablet and it automatically logs into your e-mail accounts, social networks and maybe even financial accounts. Do you really want someone walking away with all that? • Computer theft is said to affect nine out of 10 companies; IT managers have estimated that 45% of thefts would be prevented if a lock were deployed.

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