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Fanny & alexander 4 dvd r2 film +tv series ingmar bergman


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Foto Fanny & alexander 4 dvd r2 film +tv series ingmar bergman foto 448028

fanny & alexander 4 dvd film +tv series ingmarbergman ingmar bergman s fanny ochalexander (1982) fanny andalexander the film+tv series+documentary on a collector s box 4 dvds region2 brandnew official release original title fanny och alexander released in 1982 running time 180 min 292 min 106 min audio track discs 1, 2 & 3 dolby digital mono spanish,swedish (ov) . disc 4 (documentary) dolby digital mono swedish (vo) optionalsubtitles spanish region code 2 europe video system pal aspect ratio disc 1 1.66 1 , 16 9 (anamorphic) . discs2 & 3 1.85 1 , 16 9 (anamorphic) . disc 4 1.33 1 , 4 3 specialfeatures interactivemenus, scene access, photo galleries director ingmarbergman cast kristinaadolphson, pernilla allwin, carl billquist, allan edwall, ewa fr�ling,siv ericks, axel d�berg, kristian almgren, b�rje ahlstedt note no englishaudio or subtitles on this edition review t hestory is set in 1907 sweden and deals with a young boy named alexander,his sister fanny, and their well to do family the ekdahls. thesiblings parents are both involved in theater and are happily marrieduntil the father s sudden death. shortly thereafter, the mother,emilie, finds a new suitor in the local bishop, a handsome widower, andaccepts his proposal of marriage, moving into his ascetic home andputting the children under his stern and unforgiving rule. he isparticularly hard on alexander, trying to break his will by everymeans. the children and their mother live as virtual prisoners in thebishop s house until finally the ekdahl family intervenes. with helpfrom an old friend, a jewish antiques dealer, as well as some magic,the children are smuggled out of the house, but the ekdahls attemptsto bribe or threaten the bishop into divorce fail. emilie, by nowpregnant, slips her husband a sedative and flees as he sleeps, afterwhich a fire breaks out and the bishop is burnt to death. in themeantime, alexander has met the jewish merchant s mysterious nephew,ismael retzinsky, and fantasized about his stepfather s death it isas if alexander s fantasy comes true as he dreams it. the story ends ona mainly happy, life affirming note, with the christening of emilie sand the late bishop s daughter and the illegitimate daughter ofalexanders uncle, gustav ekdahl but alexander encounters the bishop sghost, signalling that he will never be completely free of him. in addition to its themes of christianity, repentance, submission toauthority, and the questioning of god s existence, the film deals withlove, estrangement, ghosts, and the paranormal, as well as the morecommon bergman theme of existentialism. bergman also borrows some ofthe film s symbolism from his earlier film through a glass darkly.scenes such as alexander s late night encounter with aron retzinskyecho and even mock the film s climax, only this time drawing attentionto god s symbolism as a puppet. when the childrens father suffers hisfatal heart attack, he is playing the ghost of the dead king in hamlet the figure of the bishop, and what happens to him, are reminiscent ofclaudius usurpation and the young prince s final revenge. e nla suecia de principios del siglo xx, fanny y alexander son doshermanos de 8 y 10 a�os respectivamente que pertenecen a una familiadedicada al teatro. cuando muere su padre, la madre vuelve a casarsecon un pastor protestante que viene a compartir su vida con ellos. elambiente c�lido y familiar del que disfrutaban hasta entonces cambiaradicalmente, ya que el pastor tiene un car�cter severo y cruel. el�nico refugio que tienen los ni�os es ir a casa de isak, un comerciantejud�o amante de su abuela.. searchfor other titles myshop just fill in the title, or the name of youractor or actress in titles& descriptions click here to find similar items that might be of your interest thedvd includes spanish writing in the covers and menus. shippingand charges buyerresponsible for all p&p costs. itemswill be sent next working day once payment received. p&p regularairmail uk europe see description registeredairmail uk europe use the insurance option available paymentmethods accepted in gbp pound sterling, or euros >uk europe paypal or international bank transfer all my dvdsare region 2 or region 0 pal and they will work on any dvd playerin europe. genre=drama display format=full screen boxed set=yes

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