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Kama Ayurveda Sunscreen Lotion


17.01 EUR gastos envío. Total 40,01 €

Tienda: Fruugo España

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Foto Kama Ayurveda Sunscreen Lotion foto 735891

Ayurvedic Sunscreen Lotion with essential oils of Nutmeg, Ginger and Lime. Prepared with natural ingredients under the umbrella of the ancient Ayurveda balancing system, the Sunscreen Lotion promises full protection from sun damage, acts as a safeguard against skin irritation and eliminates visible signs of ageing. KAMA AYURVEDA Suncreen Lotion is free of parabens, artificial fragances or colours, mineral oils and petroleum-based products. It uses a novel combination of ingredients to promote safe, golden tanning: - Zinc to offer UVA and UVB protection. Enriched with natural ingredients like aloe vera, olive oil & pure essential oils of nutmeg, ginger & lime. Nutmeg oil has anti bacterial, aromatic and therapeutic properties. It makes the skin radiant and is highly effective in treating dull skin and wrinkles. Ginger oil contains protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin C, folic acid and vitamin B3. Lime oil makes it fresh and light to apply aswell as being a good natural preservative.

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