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Mason Cash Mixing Bowls Hearts Blue Cream Bowl 2006008

Marca: Mason Cash

29.24 EUR gastos envío. Total 46,13 €

Tienda: Fruugo España

Disponibilidad: En almacén, envío inmediato.

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Foto Mason Cash Mixing Bowls Hearts Blue Cream Bowl 2006008 foto 899286

Mason Cash Mixing Bowls Hearts Blue Cream BowlThe design of the Mason Cash mixing bowl has endured the test of time and has become something of a design classic. The bowls are heavy enough to counter the tendency to move during manual mixing and the pattern is designed to help the bowl whilst also enhancing it"s timeless elegance.The shape allows you to hold the bowl in one arm easily while the other can be used for beating the mixture whereas the wide shallow shape is just right for kneading dough. Finally the white interior make it easy for the cook to see the color and consistency of the mixture ensuring the perfect result.Today the design and color simply identifies the bowl as a Mason Cash classic and while the bowl has been in use for over 100 years it is still practical for today"s kitchen whether professional or in the home. The mixing bowls are also safe for use in the freezer and dishwasher.Features:White interior for easy cleaningWide & shallow shapeHeavy earthenware that is chip resistantDecorative & functional patternSize: 12 29cm

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