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Montegrappa Alfa Romeo Pen

Marca: Montegrappa

10.48 EUR gastos envío. Total 815,92 €

Tienda: Fruugo España

Disponibilidad: En almacén, envío inmediato.

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Foto Montegrappa Alfa Romeo Pen foto 845974

It is thus both fitting and timely that Montegrappa, which has been producing superior fountain pens and writing instruments in the same factory since 1912, has been chosen to produce the centenary pen for the Milanese automobile manufacturer Alfa Romeo, born in 1910. The two brands have exemplified Italian creativity through their first centuries with unrelenting commitment to their core values. Their consistent pursuit of excellence with panache have ensured their places in the hearts of connoisseurs. Touched by this delicious, chaotic feast of creativity was every endeavour and pursuit in which civilisation was involved, from furniture design to medicine, literature to fashion, dining to dancing. Gifted with an innate sense of style and beauty, Italy was ideally positioned to contribute mightily to the shaping of the forthcoming century. Its influence would impact on performance and on taste. It is thus both fitting and timely that Montegrappa, which has been producing superior fountain pens and writing instruments in the same factory since 1912, has been chosen to produce the centenary pen for the Milanese automobile manufacturer Alfa Romeo, born in 1910. The two brands have exemplified Italian creativity through their first centuries with unrelenting commitment to their core values. Their consistent pursuit of excellence with panache have ensured their places in the hearts of connoisseurs

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