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Roman Empire 379-395 Ad

Marca: Roman Empire

9.5 EUR gastos envío. Total 99,50 €

Tienda: Goudbeek

Disponibilidad: En almacén, envío inmediato.

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Foto Roman Empire 379-395 Ad foto 537065

Fantastic Dessert Patina! An absolutly beautiful coin, the coin is better in hand Its difficult to get it on a photo as it exactly is with these sandy patina Great eye appeal! Theodosius I 379 395 Ad Æ-3, Obv: Dn Theodosivs Pf Avg, rosette-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right, Rev: Concordia Avggg, Constantinopolis seated facing, turret on head, looking half right, holding sceptre, left hand on knee, Θ left, Φ right, AntΓ in ex, Antioch, 378 383 Ad Ric X 44b 2 11g aef Antike Römische Kais

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