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Sick Girl by Christian Krohg - 3x2 inch Fridge Magnet - large magn ...

Marca: art247

11.2 EUR gastos envío. Total 14,88 €

Tienda: Fruugo España

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Foto Sick Girl by Christian Krohg - 3x2 inch Fridge Magnet - large magn ... foto 710158

Rectangular wrap-around refrigerator magnet and a glossy mylar cover. Large 2x3 inch rectangle fridge magnet or 'buttons' as they are sometimes known in the USA. Crop shown is automated for display purposes only. All magnets are hand finished and the best most appropriate crop will always be selected to best show the full image. Therefore, actual product may vary slightly from crop shown - this can include borders or slight cropping in order to best place the image within the fixed size.

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