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Gloves in a Bottle

Marca: No brand

5.86 EUR gastos envío. Total 18,15 €

Tienda: Fruugo España

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Brilliant for dry cracked skin Anyone whose hands are constantly in water or exposed to harsh chemicals or irritants in the home or workplace can suffer from irritant contact dermatitis. Wearing gloves or using heavy barrier creams to protect cracked, dry skin or sore irritated fingers is often impractical. Ordinary hand lotion, which aims to replace lost natural moisture with artificial moisture, comes off every time you wash or touch something. But Gloves in a Bottle bonds with the outer layer of skin, turning it into a protective shield that works like an invisible pair of gloves, sealing out exposure to harmful irritants and allowing the skin's natural barrier to be restored. One pea-sized drop of Gloves in a Bottle protects for four hours and doesn't wash off, just comes off naturally with exfoliated skin cells. Reapply every four hours for continued protection. *greaseless, non-sticky, rapidly absorbed *creates a protective layer while retaining natural moisture from within *virtually undetectable once dry *doesn't wash off, comes off naturally with exfoliated skin cells *fragrance-free, lanolin-free, hypoallergenic *completely safe and non-toxic *laboratory tested *used and recommended by healthcare professionals *prevents sensitivity to latex gloves *protects against exposure to nickel and chlorine *effective on feet and elbows too *60ml trial size is great for handbag or pocket *Economical 240ml bottle gives approx 120 applications *Large 3.78 litre drum with pump dispenser suitable for salons garages, surgeries etc

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