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Wilkinson Sword Safety Razor Blades - 5 PACK

Marca: Cyril R Salter

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Tienda: The Executive Shaving Company

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Foto Wilkinson Sword Safety Razor Blades - 5 PACK foto 792172

"Wilkinson Sword DE Safety Razor Blades. Brought to you by Wilkinson Sword, these fantastic safety razor blades are superbly crafted from stainless steel allowing for a smooth and consistent shave. Suitable for all types of safety razors, each pack of razor blades have been impact tempered to ensure they are long lasting. Suitable also for Shavette's, simply break the blade horizontally by folding it once then insert the two parts into the Shavette. Great value for money compared to Mach3 and the like considering they give more shaves than a Mach3 and they're cheaper too! Not what you're looking for? Check out our range of replacement razors blades here."

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